Full stack development

Admin Portal CMS

Custom-built content management system for authorized Apex Longevity adminstrators to create, write, update, and delete sensitive Provider information
Demonstrative image of the project
Apex Longevity
Project Type
Design & development

Apex Longevity, a Discount Medical Plan Organization (DMPO) registered and operating within 40 states nationwide, required a solution for storing and accessing all sensitive information for all approved Apex Longevity chiropractic providers within their network.

This Admin Portal not only needed to provide Apex Longevity administrators with the ability to store, access, create, update, and delete sensitive information for chiropractic providers within the Apex Longevity network; It also needed to serve public information for each provider to relevant users on the Apex Longevity website.


The goal of this project was to design, develop, test, and deploy a custom-built content management system that allows authorized Apex Longevity adminstrators to perform CRUD operations on sensitive information for each of the approved Apex Longevity providers within their network.


The execution of this project was split into respective stages:

1. UX research & UI design
Conduct User Research through working with Apex Longevity adminstrators to understand how the admin portal should function based on the desired user flow for administrators.

Design lo-fidelity mockups of the admin portal with appropriate user flows to be approved prior to the creation of hi-fidelity mockups and prototypes.

Transition the lo-fidelity designs into hi-fi designs with prototyping in Figma.

2. Development
Utilize the hi-fidelity Figma designs to develop the frontend experience of the admin portal (Next.js).
Conceptualize and develop the database schema and configuration (postgreSQL/Supabase) with Row-level security (RLS) to protect sensitive information from unauthorized users.
Develop a usable API to pull the correct information from the database and render on the frontend for Apex adminstrators to perform CRUD operations on stored provider information.

Integrate user authentication (Auth0) and generate authenticated accounts with login access for Apex administrators.

3. Testing
Functional testing: This involved testing every feature of the admin portal to ensure they worked as intended (Login, Logout, Create/Update/Delete provider information, etc.).

Compatibility testing: Tested the admin portal across different browsers, devices, and screen sizes to ensure that it works well on all of them.

Performance testing: Tested the admin portal's load times and how it performed under various traffic conditions. This helped identify any bottlenecks or issues that may cause it to be slow or unresponsive.

Usability testing:Allowed Apex administrators to access the admin portal to ensure it was simple to use and easy to navigate. This helped identify any areas where users may get confused or encounter difficulty.

Security testing: Tested the admin portal's security measures to ensure that user data is kept safe and secure. This included testing for vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting (XSS) or SQL injection attacks.

4. Deployment & Maintenance
The new admin portal CMS was deployed and hosted with Vercel, providing a secure and reliable hosting platform. Apex Longevity signed an ongoing maintenance package for general maintanance, bug fixing, and codebase upkeep.


The new, modernized, and functional admin portal CMS serves the needs of Apex Longevity adminstrators as outlined in the project scope. Apex administrators are now able to login to a secure portal wherein they have access to a database of stored sensitive information for all Apex Longevity providers in which they can create, update, and delete with ease.

Overall, Apex Longevity is satisfied with the results of the project and is confident in the feaures and functionalities of their new website and admin portal CMS to fulfill all necessary daily operations.

Passionately developed by Chris Tomshack